I'm moving tomorrow!!! Can't believe I'm growing up so fast- so excited to start a new chapter in my life, have new exciting adventures, and live with one of my best friends!
In other news, I passed my Adult Weight Management post-test and am now officially certified! It feels good to have that out of the way before the big move tomorrow.
I haven't been doing a great job about posting regular meals lately, but the good news is that I've still been taking pictures along the way to share with you. I've still got a lot of packing to do, so here's an essentially wordless post....
In other news, I passed my Adult Weight Management post-test and am now officially certified! It feels good to have that out of the way before the big move tomorrow.
I haven't been doing a great job about posting regular meals lately, but the good news is that I've still been taking pictures along the way to share with you. I've still got a lot of packing to do, so here's an essentially wordless post....

Greek yogurt, Kashi Heart to Heart Warm Cinnamon, sliced banana, blueberries, almond butter.
Crispy Oven-Baked Parmesan Chicken with LOTS of vegetables- broccoli, squash, Brussels Sprouts, and sun dried tomatoes. SOOO good!
My mom's leftover whole wheat linguini with bacon, mushrooms, onion, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, spinach and tossed with Zoe's Greek dressing.
1/2 C oats, water/skim milk, 1 T ground flax, 1/2 sliced banana, dried cranberries, 1 T SmartBalance Crunchy PB.
Taziki's Mediterranean Salad with grilled chicken.
Zoe's Greek Salad with grilled chicken.
Blueberry Oat Bran Muffin from Magic Muffins. Yummm. One of my favorite breakfast places!
Quinoa pasta, sautéed spinach, tomato sauce, and chicken sausage.
Pumpkin Banana Oatmeal!
1/3 C oats, 1/4 C pumpkin, water, 1/2 sliced banana, 1 T Barney Butter, cinnamon.
Scrambled eggs with sautéed spinach, onions, red bell pepper. Didn't have cheddar or salsa on hand, so I improvised with mozzarella and tomato sauce. This does not look appetizing at all, but I promise it was really good.
My mom's turkey meatballs and all my favorite roasted veggies- sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and Brussels sprouts. This is a classic meal in our house, and I am going to miss it when I move out!
Have a great day!
Congrats on passing your test!!