
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Siggi's Success!


Can you believe it's already September 17? I can't! Crazy how fast time goes by.

So, I haven't exactly been the best blogger this week and have failed to take pictures of several of my meals.

I have had some pretty good eats though! Here are the ones I did manage to document....

1/3 C oats, 1/3 C skim milk, 1/3 C Greek yogurt, 1/4 C pumpkin, 1 T ground flax, 1 T almond butter, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice. I promise it tastes better than it looks!

1/3 C oats, 1/3 C skim milk, 1/3 C  Greek yogurt, 1 T ground flax, 1/2 sliced banana, blueberries, 1 T almond butter, cinnamon. Overnight oats were my lifesaver this week!

Veggie & Jack panini-spinach, avocado, tomato, Monterey Jack, and Veganaise-made into a wrap with a brown rice tortilla. Apple slices on the side. Organic Harvest is becoming a weekly tradition!

Moroccan Chicken Salad from California Pizza Kitchen. Romaine lettuce topped with Moroccan spiced chicken, roasted butternut squash, dates, avocado, toasted almonds, beets, chopped egg, dried cranberries, and bell peppers tossed in champagne vinaigrette. This is one EPIC salad!!!

Almond Walnut Macadamia KIND bar. With 10 g of protein, this baby kept me full all afternoon!

Spinach salad topped with mushrooms sautéed in garlic and tomato sauce, heirloom cherry tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, black bean hummus, and a few Mary's Gone Crackers. It would have been good with avocado too, but I didn't have any. This is such an Ann lunch, and it reminded me of her while I was eating it! Miss you, Ann:)

I've shocked the blogosphere on several occasions by mentioning that I'm not the biggest Siggi's fan (every other blogger seems to rave about it!), however-I think I've finally made a breakthrough! I tried the Orange & Ginger flavor, and I really liked it! It was still pretty thick, but there was just something about it that made it easier to eat. Glad I know which flavor I like now. Would probably get this again!

Cantaloupe is so refreshing.

Leftover quinoa topped with sautéed squash, zucchini, broccoli, and heirloom cherry tomatoes. 'Twas delicious. So many awesome veggies!

Zoe's Chicken Roll Ups with fruit. This is a recycled pic, but it works. Zoe's is always a good call.

TCBY is also always a good call. Here's another recycled pic: White Chocolate Mousse and Peanut Butter yogurt. The only difference is the topping- I got Reese's instead of chocolate chips this time. It's so funny how I used to eat fro-yo about 3x a week (at least!) in college, and now I hardly ever eat it. It's actually really sad, because frozen yogurt is my favorite. I miss it.

I'm thinking tonight is a stay at home and watch movies in your pajamas and eat dark chocolate with caramel kind of night. Much needed!


  1. I love the Ann lunch!! Haha you're right, that's definitely something I would make. I love Mary's Gone Crackers. And I miss you too! You still need to make a trip to Memphis!
