
Friday, September 2, 2011

Life Update

So, I know that I haven't really talked too much about what I've been up to lately and my life after college plans. And that's because well, honestly-I had no idea myself. I started off this blog thinking I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but then I had a little epiphany over Spring Break that made me question everything. I don't always talk about the tough times on this blog, but this summer was one filled with my fair share of disappointment, discouragement, and self doubt. If I had to sum up my life in one word, it would have been lost. I had no sense of direction and was clueless as to what the heck I was supposed to do with my life. I felt like I'd hit an all time low that I like to refer to as a "post graduate crisis."

I kept thinking about that line from Bridesmaids- you know when Kristen Wiig loses her job and has to move back home and her mom keeps telling her, "It's a good thing you hit bottom, now the only place you can go is up." And then Megan gives her that little pep talk-"I don't associate with people who blame the world for their problems. You are your problem. You are also your solution." Kristen Wiig went crazy making cupcakes, and I too decided to take ownership of my life. And then magically, things just kind of started to fall into place. I still may not have it all figured out (who really does?), but things are finally starting to click and make sense.

So here's what I'm doing now:

1) I'm working part time at a company called Healthy Life and Nutrition. Starting this month, I'll be helping out with nutrition consultations at a weight loss clinic, online nutrition consulting, and lots of other various tasks. Check it out-it's a really cool website!

2) I'm helping out 2 days a week at the EatRight Clinic at UAB. I don't get paid, but it's really great experience and I've gotten to meet a lot of people!

3) I'm working on my Adult Weight Management Certification. I'm working through self study modules right now, will take a pre-test, then go to a 3 day conference in Williamsburg, VA (!!!), and then will take a post test to get certified. Should hopefully be a pretty easy process!

4) I'm planning to go back to graduate school in January. Even though I didn't think this is what I wanted to do, I think it's the best decision for me right now. I'm glad that I took some time off to really think through things, because I'm going back to get my Masters in something different than I had originally planned. I was planning to get a Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Health Behavior, and I've now decided to get a Masters in Community Health Education. I think it will be a much better fit for me, and I'll be able to keep up my part time job and make a little cash on the side. I also have a few friends who are currently in the program and love it.

So, I didn't do something completely different and end up in a big city like Boston or New York or even a bigger Southern city like Atlanta or Nashville. I'm still in my good ol' hometown of Birmingham, AL, and for the first time in my life, I'm okay with that. Did you read my In Holland post? Go back and read it again. It sums up everything I'm feeling, except in a much more beautiful and eloquent way. I've come to the conclusion that life is what you make it. You can be happy anywhere-it's just up to you to think positively and make that decision.

Here I am with a new zest for life! Good things are happening:)

I'll leave you with a few happy things that are rocking my world right now:

1) Young the Giant. Did you see his performance of My Body at the VMA's? It was pretty incredible. You can't watch his VMA performance anymore, but you can watch the official video. It's that perfect balance of chill alternative but still gets you really pumped up at the same time kind of music. Love.

2) Pinterest. Ummm.....addicting is all I have to say. How did I not discover this sooner?

3) Jackson's Tuesday night drink specials. I've had a blast making this a weekly tradition with all my B'ham friends!

4) Smart Balance Crunchy Peanut Butter. Salty, crunchy, Omega-3 containing, all natural perfection.

It melts perfectly in a hot bowl of oats.

5) The juice bar at Organic Harvest.

I stopped by the other day and got the Immunity Blast-lemon, apples, carrots, beets, kale, garlic, and cayenne. The cayenne gave it a nice little kick!

Yes, I look like I'm drinking throw up, but you know what-my body is thanking me!

On that delightful note, I'm off to go play at the lake. Happy Labor Day Weekend!


  1. so exciting to hear about all of your plans and I'm coming to Jackson's this Tuesday!!

  2. I'm so excited for you and your new jobs! I know you're glad to be figuring stuff out. I've been slightly going through the same thing to a lesser extent, but I'm just not sure I want to do grad school at this point. I'm ready to be done!
