
Thursday, February 10, 2011

First Things First

After being an avid blog follower for about a year now (favorites include Kath Eats Real Food, Healthy Tipping Point, and Carrots 'N Cake), I have finally decided to start my own! Just to give you a little background about myself, I am a senior majoring in Food and Nutrition at the University of Alabama. I will be graduating in May, and am planning to get my Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Health Behavior at UAB. I finished the Coordinated Program in Dietetics in December, and am RD eligible! I hope to take the RD exam early this summer.

Now, I haven't always been the healthiest eater. I was actually extremely picky in my younger years.  During middle school and high school, I participated in all kinds of fad diets and yo-yo dieting (which doesn't work at all, in case you were wondering). I have been both extremes in my life, but I finally found my healthy balance. I began to focus on eating real food (seems like such a simple concept, doesn't it?), such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. I began to try new foods, and I cannot believe how many delicious flavors/textures I was missing out on before! I enjoy cooking and trying new restaurants is one of my favorite hobbies. I find that I am much more satisfied and feel so much better after enjoying a nutritious meal. However, I do not believe in depriving myself of anything (I can't imagine a day without dessert). I think that moderation, balance, and variety are the keys to a healthy diet. YES, that means cupcakes and pizza fit into a healthy diet!

Reading healthy living blogs has inspired me to try new, creative recipes and products and challenged me to engage in more physical activity (I am currently training to run the Music City Half Marathon in Nashville!)  I hope that my blog will do the same for you and encourage you to find your healthy balance!


  1. Kristen!! Laura told me you started a blog! I'm so glad you did. That's so fun that you're training for the Nashville half marathon! Maybe we can do a training run in New York together!

  2. Ann! Yes, I would love to run with you in NYC! I'm sure Laura has told you, but I have really enjoyed reading your blog:) Can't wait to hang out more on Spring Break!
