
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Body Love

It's National Eating Disorders Awareness Week.

 I scored this sticker when I went by the nutrition department yesterday!

Check out this article, Hate your body? Most do, at least once a day. I think it sums things up pretty well.

Negative body image is something that I think almost all women struggle with at least at some point in their life (Of course, it's a bigger struggle for some than others). I felt the need to be perfect for a large part of my life, until I realized that being perfect is impossible. As women, we constantly compare ourselves to others and strive to reach this so-called "ideal." And, it doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a "perfect body." We are all made differently. And, that's the beauty of it. We are all unique, and it's our imperfections that make us who we are. Not to say I've got it all figured out, but the main thing that has helped me is to just stop the negativity. I won't let myself say anything bad about myself anymore. Because, honestly, what good is that going to do? There is no point in bringing yourself down. Words have so much power. When you continually talk bad about yourself, you begin to believe the lies you are telling yourself. Instead, focus on what you do like about yourself. Appreciate and value who you are and embrace it. You should take comfort in the fact that there is no one else in the entire world who is exactly like you. Just remember that you are worth it and you are enough just the way you are!

"We will not compare ourselves to each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original."
Galations 5:26 Message


  1. Kristen!! This is one of my favorite posts! I really liked the article at the end and your thoughts on body image and the stuggle that accompanies this. Very good! Just two more weeks!!:)

  2. I agree with Laura- this is an awesome message! Very well said!
