
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Third Time's a Charm

I used one of my free absences in my 8 AM class today, so I could have a little more study time. I went to the library to get coffee and study before my 9:30 class. I ate a brain-fueling breakfast of Kashi Maple and Brown Sugar oatmeal, 1/2 C skim milk, 1/2 sliced banana, and 1 T chia seeds. I also used up the last of my Barney Butter. It kept me full all morning!

After class, I came back to the sorority house for Taco Tuesdays. I made a big salad topped with bell peppers, diced tomatoes, and grilled chicken. I used salsa as dressing and also had a few tortilla chips and cheese dip.

I ate quickly and headed off to take the GRE. My score is still not exactly what it needs to be, but I did better than my previous attempts. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it! I am just so glad to have that behind me. That test is a beast! Now, my next project is working on graduate school applications. After I took the GRE, I went straight to my 3:30 Photography class. I ate a Fuji apple as a snack. Once class was over, I went to Carpe Vino, a really hip wine bar in downtown Tuscaloosa. Mortar Board, a senior honor society I am in, was hosting a teacher appreciation wine tasting event.  I can't imagine anything more relaxing than a glass of wine after a long day:) I tried a Spanish red, and it was good!

I missed dinner at the sorority house, so I ate my late plate once I got home. Lasagna, green beans, and a breadstick.

I also have really sweet friends who surprise me with cupcakes (they know me so well)! My friend, Rebekah surprised me with a huge cupcake from Gigi's, a new cupcake boutique that is all the craze. Seriously, the line is always out the door! It was a strawberry cupcake topped with a whole lot of cream cheese icing. And, Mary Alice brought me two mini cupcakes (one orange and one chocolate) from Mary's, a local bakery in downtown Northport. She actually works there on Thursdays, and I have definitely visited a few times:) These cupcakes are unique, because they are gluten-free. They are made with rice flour, almond flour, and sorghum flour.

I had to scrape off most of the icing, but I am now enjoying a strawberry cupcake while watching Glee. I also tasted the gluten-free cupcakes. They have a firmer texture than regular cake, but still tasted good and are a great option for people who cannot consume gluten. This week has been pretty busy, and I have a test tomorrow in one of my honors classes called Finding Financial Freedom. I don't think it will be very hard, but I am not naturally a "numbers person", so I do need to study. Hope you have a great night!

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