
Thursday, May 5, 2011

CInco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Hope you're celebrating with some good Mexican food! If you're ever looking for a good 'rita in Tuscaloosa, check out my friend Jody's blog for the best restaurants!

I had "instant oats" for breakfast this morning. Vanilla Oikos Greek yogurt, 1/3 C raw oats, sliced banana, blueberries, and TJ's Sunflower Seed Butter. I also added a little Cascadian Farms Oats & Honey granola after I took the picture.

After breakfast, I went to the gym for a morning workout of 45 minutes on the arc trainer and 15 on the stair master. The stair master never fails to leave me drenched in sweat! I love my gym at home. There's a little café inside, and you better believe I got some coffee on my way out!

Lunch today was awesome! I had a Dr. Praeger's Veggie Burger on a Nature's Own Whole Wheat Sandwich Thin. I rounded it out with a sliced Fuji apple.

I added avocado, goat cheese, and organic ketchup to my burger. I would've added tomatoes too, but we were out!

I had a much needed hair appointment this afternoon! I just got my highlights touched up and my ends trimmed, but my hair feels so much healthier now!

While I was out, I picked up Tina Fey's new book, Bossypants. I've only read a few chapters so far, but it's freakin' hilarious! The last time a book made me laugh out loud was when I read Chelsea Handler's My Horizontal Life.

I don't know if you can really read this, but I thought the praise for the book was really funny!

Snack was a Nature Valley Dark Chocolate, Peanut, & Almond Bar.

I made a quick and easy Mexican dinner from a variation of recipe I found on Cooking Light. After searching the website, I finally decided on Peach and Brie Quesadillas. Quesadillas are my stand-by order at Mexican restaurants, and this one sounded very intriguing and came highly rated! I used whole wheat tortillas and added shrimp to the recipe. I didn't make the lime-honey dipping sauce, but I did season the shrimp with lime juice and cumin. In addition to the brie, I added some goat cheese for good measure. I had Garden of Eatin' Blue Chips and salsa on the side and completed my Mexican fiesta with a Dos Equis Amber

This ended up being so good and made the perfect summer meal!
Don't question the flavors-they totally worked!

Good night!


  1. I love your mug! Beautiful! And those Doctor Praeger's veggie burgers are my go-to when I'm in a hurry. I love how you can actually see the vegetables in them!

  2. Look at you! You are such a chef:)
