
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Accountability Partner

I ran 4.5 miles this morning!

I woke up at 6:45 and was out the door by 7. All you early morning exercisers are probably rolling your eyes right now, but I was proud of myself! I haven't been running outside as much lately due to the scorching Southern heat and missing my running buddies. It's just not the same without them! It felt good to start my day off with a run, and I ended up being really productive throughout the rest of the day.

Mainly, I woke up this morning because I said I was going to in yesterday's post and wanted to stay true to my word. My blog makes such a good accountability partner! People often ask me if having a blog changes what I eat. The answer is: No, it doesn't, but it DOES help me strive to lead the healthy lifestyle I want to lead.

Breakfast featured one of my new items from Whole Foods-Artisana Coconut Butter! My other purchases included spelt flour (which I used in Super Charge Me cookies yesterday), nutritional yeast (called "nooch" in the blog world), and Mary's Gone Crackers. I'll try to incorporate some of these items in my upcoming meals!

I made banana oat bran topped with 1/2 sliced banana, Love Grown Apple Walnut Delight granola, and a drizzle of Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter and Artisana Coconut Butter. Slivered almonds would have been good in here too.YUM-it was like eating an Almond Joy for breakfast!

I spent the morning running errands and tackling my to-do list. Got it all done today! While I was out, I ate a quick lunch with my mom at Zoe's Kitchen. I ordered the Spinach Roll-Ups with Braised White Beans.

I ate a pretty fruit mix of pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries + a super charge me cookie in the afternoon!

Now I'm doing a little cleaning and studying before meeting Laura for dinner at Area 41 tonight!

Sorry, I forgot to do this yesterday.

Quote of the Week: "Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside."
-Mark Twain

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