
Thursday, April 28, 2011


As most of you probably have seen on the news, the city of Tuscaloosa got hit by a 7 mile long and 1 mile wide tornado yesterday. I am so lucky that I am safe and everyone I know is ok. Many of my friends' homes were destroyed and several restaurants and stores in the city are completely gone. I have never experienced anything like that in my life and really am just now realizing the severity of the tornado. It really didn't start to hit me until the power went out and I heard the "comforting" words on the radio that "this is a once in a lifetime tornado that's going to make history."  I am so thankful that I was where I was at the time of the tornado, because campus is really the only place in Tuscaloosa that was not seriously impacted. The tornado went directly over me, so I really am so lucky.

I went on a walk this morning to 15th Street, which is one of the places that got hit the hardest by the tornado but wasn't allowed to walk all the way down. I took a few pictures, but they don't really do the destruction justice. It looked like a completely different place.

This was taken last night right after the tornado.

Used to be houses.

This is my friend's apartment. She was inside but is ok!

This sign was amazingly still over her door!

Watch this video for more footage.

It really just puts things in perspective for me. Yesterday started out like any other day, and it ended with a tragedy. Life is so unpredictable and anything could happen without a minute's notice. This has really made me re-evaluate my life and what truly matters. It's just so surreal. I never thought this would be how I ended college. Exams are cancelled next week and graduation is moved to August. So, I guess that means college is over for me.

Mary Alice and I are safely at my house in Birmingham and will be leaving for Nashville in the morning. Honestly, running a half-marathon is the last thing on my mind right now, but I am still going to make the most of it. Stay posted for updates on that!

Please keep Tuscaloosa in your thoughts and prayers. So many people who have lost loved ones and everything they own.


  1. Kristen! I am SO thankful you are safe and sound. Unbelievable! It is so true that devistation like that really puts life in perspective, and you really cling to what you value and cherish. Good luck in the half-marathon!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, we were so worried about you yesterday! I am seriously in shock. What an end to college. I'm so glad you're okay and good luck this weekend!!
